Building an Analog Servo Clock
Project Overview
As a fun mini-project, I thought it would be fun to build a modern analog clock using servos and materials I had on hand. I started with the original models and code from O.T. Vinta's project that can be found here.
Adaptions Made
One of the main features I added was the ability to adjust each servo's start and end position using the arrow keys on a keyboard WITHOUT an expensive Maestro Control board, heavily speeding up the tuning process. Since each servo has an ID (1-7), all the user has to do is say first which digit they would like to edit a servo from (1-4), followed by which servo on that digit they would like to edit. Then the user finds the best starting and ending position is for each servo with the arrow keys, and the new servo position array is printed out in the console.
Another feature I added is the ability to automatically connect to the wifi when it is plugged in, saving the user from first having to plug a mouse and keyboard into this contraption in order to run the program for this clock.
A fun feature I added is when the clock strikes the hour, a flashy "animation" plays, simultaneously opening and closing all servos 3 times.
I also changed the .stl design of the 'shoes' - the front panels with the white color - to be able to attach directly onto the black parts below them instead of needing to glue them on.